My Creative Journey

Hey there, I'm Tammy Machmali, an intuitive artist and spiritual guide, devoted to crafting spiritual handmade art for the past 25 years. Recently, I've responded to an inner calling, transitioning into the realm of healing and empowerment. My mission is clear: to aid others in connecting with their higher selves by shedding antiquated agreements, limiting beliefs, and the emotional baggage that weighs them down through the powerful tool of hypnotherapy.

Through my journey as an artist, I've developed a profound understanding of spiritual connection and intentionality, which I now bring to my hypnotherapy practice. With compassion and empathy, I guide individuals through a transformative process of exploring their subconscious, identifying barriers to growth, and embracing positive change. Together, we work towards releasing old patterns, fostering self-awareness, and unlocking the potential for a life aligned with authenticity and purpose. If you feel a calling to contact me or if you have any questions, please go ahead and reach out. I would love to hear from you.

I truly think that by healing ourselves and letting go of old generation patterns, we’re doing the world a big favor. When we shine better, we kind of nudge the whole universe in a brighter direction.
— Tammy Machmali