7 Tools To Boost your creative energy

Great tools to gain your creative powers when you feel stuck

Written by Tammy Machmali

Here are my favorite 7 tools that I use with my clients to boost creative energy almost everyday. Taking these steps will help you to maintain your focus, motivation, and reduce some stress whenever you feel overwhelmed or drained.

  1. Gratitude. This tool helps to remain in the solution and not the problem. When I feel gratitude, I feel a sense of happiness which blocks out the negative voices, like fears and doubts. Express your gratitude aloud. Express your gratitude by writing a list of everything you have, including people, places, things, and experiences, for which you are grateful. This will create more time for you to think about what is positive, and not about what is negative. After writing these things down, speak them into existence: “I am grateful for _____.” While pain and fear can be an important source for creativity, they can also slow down your work, so be sure to feel gratitude everyday.

  2. Meditation. Is important to live in the present moment to feel well and live a happy life. Meditation helps to improve your focus, and helps to eliminate negative thoughts such as fear, anxiety, and sadness which prevent us from living mindfully. I started meditating years ago with the Oprah and Deepak Meditation Series. I learned so much about happiness and mindfulness. I recommend this series or creating your own to be able to think clearly and have positive thoughts. Clarity of the mind enables creative energy to flow freely without being blockaded by anxieties, stress, or distractions.

  3. Giving freely. Give and share what you are and have authenticity. Adding value to the lives of others around you will add richness to your life. This will create community and fill you with a sense of something bigger than yourself. When you help others, you will get so much more than what you give, because the world will give back to you, and you will feel amazing for helping others. You will gain intrinsic value from helping others when you do it freely, without expecting anything in return. The best creative inspiration is derived from the freedom gained by giving and getting back.

  4. Self-care. I have noticed that when I practice self-care it produces positive feelings, and promotes self-confidence and self-esteem. Self-care can mean taking breaks from work and technology for lunch, setting healthy boundaries, eating healthfully, getting adequate sleep, caring about your hygiene, exercising regularly, practicing meditation, etc. I can manage life, stress, and difficulties with patience and the right perspective because I practice self-care. My healthy relationship with myself is essential because it is the foundation for all my other relationships. Without taking care of myself first, it is difficult to live a healthy life and maintain healthy relationships with others. 

  5. Art. Is everything that you basically create. If you have a talent and enjoy creating, then there is something missing if you are not pursuing this desire. In order to feel fully and you feel that it is your calling the perfect time is NOW!! Go and make something live to your full potential. This was my experience when I created in the beginning just to enjoy and later I started making collections of paintings and turning it into a business. If you are not a painter go write your book, compose your music, cook a new dish or whatever it is you want to do. You always can turn your passion into creativity, and later who know, maybe even into a career: http://creativefreedomguide.com/a/

  6. Let Go. For me Forgiveness was a great way of letting go. Forgiving myself and others. It is not easy to forgive. But consider for a moment that forgiveness is for you, not for them. For your own happiness, it is important not to cling to the past and to negative energy which can block your creativity and sucking your energy. Instead, let go and forgive for your own sake. Be free of resentment, bitterness, and anger. I  try to be fair and put myself in the other person’s shoes (if I remember, not always). If I cannot forgive them, I will instead pray for them or have one positive thought about them per day. Slowly I will feel better, and after a while, I will find it easier to forgive. For more details on the forgiveness process, I recommend Wayne Dyer on Youtube. 

  7. Live a simple life. Living simply means embracing the little things in life. Find and appreciate the little opportunities to laugh with your whole heart, to take a relaxing walk, to smile, to give someone a hug, and any other small, good thing that happens during the day. For me, I often need to let go of unrealistic expectations and my perfectionism. No one and nothing can be perfect all the time. Human beings are made to make mistakes and learn from them. I know that our imperfections make us unique and beautiful. Use mistakes as moments of gratitude to learn and grow, I will do the same.

Do you have other ideas of how to boost your creative energy  when you’re stuck? I’d love to hear about them! Please connect.

Tammy Machmali