Art as a vehicle for meditation

Art as a vehicle for meditation

Written By Tammy Machmali

Today, I meditate in a myriad of ways: listening to audio files, following the sounds of nature in my backyard, or even taking a moment for mindfulness while waiting in line. But for me, art was my first meditation practice because this was the only time I slowed down, felt present, and relaxed my body and mind as a young adult. Even as a child scribbling, I was meditating and did not know it.

Art for me is a type of meditation, a way to train my mind to focus. When I paint, I enter a state of awareness and increase acceptance of my feelings and thoughts, no matter how intense or uncomfortable they may be. I can relax my body and mind, free of judgement. Painting enables me to enter a state of flow where I can express my feelings, thoughts, and emotions onto the canvas when I have no words. 

So, 12 years ago, if you asked me to meditate, I know that I would be terrified and not interested in sitting in silence for a few minutes due to my incessant doer mode. However, creating art was an ongoing practice of my mind which helped me relax my body, mind, and navigate my feelings and thoughts. When I was painting and creating, I felt at home being me without pretenses or barriers. 

Eckhart Tolle, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, writes that “Identification with thoughts and the emotions that go with those thoughts creates a false mind-made sense of self, conditioned by the past… This false self is never happy or fulfilled for long. Its normal state is one of unease, fear, insufficiency, and non-fulfillment.” For me making art is finding this amazing place where I can let go and break free from the ongoing stream of crazy thoughts and emotions. 

Through a book, I started meditating in a traditional sense and now this is one of my daily practices. I even start my creative classes with a meditation to illustrate the beauty and power of meditation in healing, elvating, motivating and above all helping with creativity. I learn to value meditation because it helps me to live a better life. I know that  my best ideas for a painting, writing or any creative project come to me usually after I mediate. 

There are many types of meditation. My favorite one is the essential oil meditation with affirmation. Doterra lavender oil is my favorite. 

Start with an intention: I like to stop and think “What is my goal? What do I need help with today?” Then I choose whatever I need to focus for the day. Usually my goal is to be gentle, happy or creative.

Find a place: You will need a space that feels calm and quiet to you. I like calm music that doesn’t get on my nerves. I set my time for 10-20 minutes depending on the day and then I just begin. I like to lie down but if you like you can take a seat. I make sure my palms face up (for receiving) and that my legs are uncrossed.

Breath: I start by following the sensation of my breath as it goes in and as it goes out. I even exaggerate my breath so that I am in the moment. The breath provides an easy and natural energy to focus on while meditating.

Slowly count from 10 backwards to 1 and take deep breaths. 

And when I notice that my mind has inevitably wandered, or that my attention has left the moment, I simply return my attention to the breath. Please be gentle and kind to yourself. Meditation is all about self-care and loving yourself just the way you are. Don’t judge yourself or obsess over the content of the thoughts you find yourself lost in. Just come back. Let the thoughts pass by, in and out, in and out, until you can focus on your breath or goal. 

I like to imagine that I am in my perfect place. Where is that for me? Next to the beach.  I am next to the beach, trying to use my five senses to feel as if I am there. The sun and waves are touching me. I can smell the ocean and feel the breeze and the sand is warming my feet and I am just where I need to be. I soak in the good feelings. If need be, I whisper my affirmations

“I am love.

I am healthy

I am in harmony

I am divinely guided all day long

I am safe, I am protected, I am awareness

I am peace”

Remember to be loving and kind to yourself. If you start thinking about something else, be kind to your wandering mind. 

Close with kindness. I close the meditation when I am done, counting from 1 - 5 and when I get to #5 I say: Now I am energized and ready to start my day!

When you’re ready, gently lift your gaze (if your eyes are closed, open them). Take a moment and notice any sounds in the environment. Notice how your body feels right in that moment. Notice your thoughts and emotions.

That’s it! That’s the practice. You go away, you come back, and you try to do it as kindly as possible.

I would love to hear all about your experience. Please connect and share.

Tammy Machmali