The Healing Power of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

How Creativity can Heal

Written by Tammy Machmali

When I was growing up, I felt like I was different. Part of this had to do with my inner self, but it also had to do with discovering my creative side at an early age.  

Painting and journaling saved my life because these art forms gave me a sense of control, relief for my stress by taking my mind off of ubiquitous anxieties. I worked on my craft and improved my talent purely because I was in love with creating. My desire to bring ideas and feelings to life was aided by my family members who also used their talent at craft to make a living.

My grandmother (Mamanjoon) was my example -- she was the most talented woman I ever met. She sewed clothes, drapes, made expensive handmade persian rugs and knit the most complicated sweaters. She accomplished all of this without any schooling or formal training, and yet she created anything handmade you could imagine. 

Most days, grandma made my favorite food and sat with me and her husband to sew or knit. I loved spending time with them, listening to him talk and tasting my grandmother’s yummy food and always leaving with a song in my heart.  My Grandfather (Baba Arasto) loved to play his violin and ride his bike or walk in nature looking for herbs to make potions only he knew how to make to heal others. I am sure I got my Grandmother’s artistic talents and my grandfather’s love for seeking the unknown.  I learned so much from the times I spent with them.  My grandparents were a gift to my whole family and everyone who met them. I am so honored to be their granddaughter.

Growing up with this kind of a model I felt free to create. I found that I can escape through paintings and when I needed to let go of emotions I sat and painted my emotions. 

Through the years, I learned to use creativity to write and paint my emotions. Like meditation, it heals me. I was devastated this year on January 24 when my grandfather passed away and a week later on February 8, 2020 my grandmother passed away too. I felt broken, but after sitting with my sadness I decided to paint something which would celebrate their legacy. I started painting flowers everyday for 30 days. They always supported me and inspired me to follow my heart. I painted these 30 paintings for them, inspired by their free spirit and love of nature. Like a flower, they encouraged me always to bloom to my fullest potential. Like a bee, I wanted to carry on the nectar of their gift to this world. 

I had to find a way to honor these special humans that I had the privilege of knowing so deeply. They were loving, kind, patient, gentle, generous, and so strong spiritually.

The process of looking at nature closely, choosing the right flowers and colors, helped me gain peace and calm my mind. For that, I am so grateful. When I entered my space of creative flow I couldn’t think about anything else and I could just be. This process is so amazing and beautiful. I encourage you to begin and see how it goes. If you would like to embark on a challenge, please contact me.

I would love to hear from you!

Tammy Machmali