Goal Planning; Write Goals for Success + 4 Free Printable Worksheets

Written by Tammy Machmali

Over the years I have found that goal-setting is a must if you want to succeed! It gives you the opportunity to be clear about your purpose, dreams, wants, visions and goals. And once your goals are set you can move on to how to make it happen. 

Without clear goals, you may not have a clear direction on what you really want and where you are heading in your life/business/etc. and over time there becomes more opportunity for straying or losing focus. It can be like putting your destination into the GPS; if you give a general neighborhood, county, or zip code you may get close, but it’s easy to get lost. When you are clear and you know your life intentions, purpose, and determine your vision, you can set your desires into actions and goals to live your dream life. 

I believe there’s something to proclaiming our goals and putting them out into the world. Once they’ve been proclaimed, there’s a certain amount of responsibility and dedication that just sort of arrives.
— Bonnie Christine

So how do you go about “goal-setting”? 

Write it down.

First, it can be a very powerful tool to write down a life goals list for yourself. This is a list of all of the things that you want to create and achieve  in your lifetime. Even if you need to change it later or are unsure if it is your true goal, still, write your most important goals and aspirations down.

Be specific about your goals

Second, no matter what goals you have, they must be specific, very clear and measurable. You might have heard of SMART Goals before! Make sure  that your goals are 

Specific - should be precise, detailed, and capable of answering questions.

Measurable - Include dates, exact financial numbers, and amounts in your goal.

Attainable - Set achievable goals that you will be able to accomplish it within the constraints of time, money, environment, your skills and abilities and other important factors.

Relevant - Keep your goals in line with your true purpose. Don’t waste time with unrealistic goals.

Time/date - Always set specific deadlines for the completion of your goal.

This free goal planning worksheet is designed to make it easy for you and guide you in creating an action plan to make it happen. 


For the greatest results remember that with patience, persistence and a positive mindset everything is possible.
— Tammy Machmali

Take the time to think about what you want

To create a balanced and successful life, write down a minimum of 5 goals in each of the following areas:

  1. Health/Appearance 

  2. Relationship

  3. Financial 

  4. Career/Business 

  5. Family Time

  6. Personal Growth/Fun

  7. Spiritual 

Work on your goals daily and track your progress through journaling. 

 You may also like to read The Healing Power of Writing  

Reflect on last year.

It is important to pause and look on what worked + what didn’t work last year so we can improve. Can you identify any places where you were scattered last year trying to do too many things? Take a note.

I think it’s really important to reflect on the past before you automatically jump ahead. This is a great time to get a really good idea of what you want to do again and what you don’t so you make room for something new.

Cast the vision for the year ahead.

How do you want to show up this year? What tangible wins do you want to see in your personal life/business?

It’s going to be tempting to play small and hide but I want you to resist that urge. Instead, allow yourself to dream big and shine. In your perfect world – what would you achieve in 2022? Let yourself feel abundance here + get excited about what’s to come.

Read your goals everyday.

This will help you activate your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. You can go even further by closing your eyes and imagining how it will feel once you achieve a specific goal…

For the greatest results remember that with patience, persistence and a positive mindset everything is possible.

After listing your goals put them on a calendar and assign dates to when you start and end. Create smaller steps for each goal and mark those as well so you can see your results in the making! Crossing off the goals you already achieved will motivate you to move on and continue. Start with mini goals and slowly move forwards. 

This is a great start to writing your goals and making an action plan with this free worksheet. When you’re done, you will have a clear plan of the steps to take towards your goals, vision and dreams…


Tammy Machmali