How to Create a Vision Board that Works

Written by Tammy Machmali

Now is a great time to create a vision board! Why now? Because usually in the beginning of the year we feel a strong urge of energy to take actions towards achieving our vision and goals. So we often feel motivated to create a vision board to plan what we need to do next.

Anytime you CREATE a vision board as long as you do it, is the right time~ actually the perfect time.

What is the purpose and intention behind making a vision board?

Creating a vision board will motivate you to start taking actions towards your goals.

To intentionally design your ENTIRE dream life. To start planning your life from the start, creating a blueprint for a whole new masterpiece. That’s what makes a vision board magical, because it’s the proof of all the things that shows of the life you’ve thoughtfully planned and designed.

We all want to create a better lifestyle, improve our health and relationships, and of course make more money. This is the time to create your dream life. I am a big believer of vision boards because they changed my life. I have been making them since I was 18 years old. This is even how I met my husband 26 years ago. I learned that making a vision board allows me to see with clarity all the things I want to create and attract in my life. Living an exciting, rich life, having this zest to live fully with all your heart…

Why most people don’t have a vision board?

If you think about it, most of us never make the time. We let our busy, distracted lives keep us unfocused. Instead of making a board with all your furute plans that become a reality with determination, consistency and focus!

Who can benefit from making a vision board? (I think everyone)

If you dream of being, doing and having more in your life

If you have felt stuck or burnt out

If you’re looking for new direction

If you want to start something new but aren’t sure what

If you would like to live your life feeling fulfilled, healthy, happy, and connected to a sense of purpose

If you desire to experience more satisfying relationships with others and with yourself

If you want to build on your successes and attract even more wonderful experiences into your life

We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details…. We don’t give up on things easily.
— Jeff Bezos
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Benefits of a vision board

  • Helps you set goals and figure out what it is you want

  • Helps you live with awareness and purpose

  • Gives you a sense of purpose

  • Provides you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals


  • Helps you stay motivated

Miracles that happened in my own life from creating vision boards:

  • I met my husband soon after I made my first vision board

  • I moved to LA and manifested my dream home with the help of second a vision board

  • Manifested most of my Beach vacations

  • I travel to destinations all over the world that I manifested. Last year we traveled to Japan, Philippines, Hawaii, and Thailand

  • I create beautiful artwork collections that I sell

  • I attract people, places and things I placed on my vision board

  • My husband buys me things I placed on my vision board without knowing I had done so

  • My clients manifest their homes, jobs, babies, soulmates etc that they wanted, going through the same process

  • And more!

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5 tips for Making an Empowering Vision Board

Write a list of goals you’d like to achieve in the next year

First you may want to write out your goals. Spend some time getting clear on exactly what you want your ideal life to look like, and what you need to accomplish in the next 12 months to get you closer to your goals. (It might be easier to journal first and them organize it into categories and images)

Collect a bundle of old magazines with beautiful pictures

Use some magazines, or other images with words that represent your dreams from artwork, old books, computer printouts, etc. Find images that will represent your goals, dreams and whatever inspires you and feel right to you.

Make a collage out of your photos and the images that you like to have on your vision board.

Once you have collected enough photos, it’s time to make your vision board! Go to your local craft or dollar store and buy materials to create your vision board.

Add motivational “affirmation words” that represent how you want to FEEL

Focus on how you want to FEEL. For this reason, I like to add words to my vision board that describe how I want to feel on a daily basis – such as: “joyful,” “abundant,” “powerful,” “fearless,” “loved,” “strong,” “healthy,” “loving,” and “financially free.”

Then add them to your vision board in a visually attractive way.

Here is a free download to brainstorm your goals.

Take a few moments to contemplate your vision board every day

To get the full benefit from your vision board, it’s important for you to place it somewhere you can look at it every day.

I recommend you take a few minutes to look over your vision board at least once or twice a day. I like to review my vision board right before I do a guided visualization, so my goals are top of mind as I train my mind to attract what I truly want into my life. I also like to review it every night before I go to sleep. I wake up in the morning bursting with motivation – and then I’m far more likely to notice and act on opportunities that will bring me closer to my goals when I forget.

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Materials You’ll Need For Your Vision Board

It is easy to create Vision Boards. Also, you won’t need much as far as materials.

Here is a list of materials to create your vision board.

  • Some sort of board – you can use a cork board, a poster board, or a pin board. I use this Poster board

  • Scissors, tape, pins, glue sticks – whatever you need to make your board.

  • Sharpies or other permanent markers, stickers, or other embellishments – are optional

  • Magazines – to cut out images and quotes

  • Color printer – if you plan on sourcing some or all of your images from the Internet

  • Things that inspire you – photos, quotes, sayings, images, motivations

  • Put on some inspirational music. Light a candle

Tape or glue your pictures to the board in an arrangement that is visually pleasing to you. Keep it neat and simple!

No chaos; keep a space for Divine intervention.

Materials You’ll Need For Your Vision Board by Tammy Machmalil.jpg

How to use a vision board effectively

Place your vision board somewhere you can look at it every day, making a habit of visualizing your ideal life on a regular basis. Visualization activates the creative powers of the subconscious mind and programs your brain to notice available resources that were always there but escaped your notice. Visualization also magnetizes and attracts to you the people, resources, and opportunities you need to achieve your goals.

Try keeping your vision board on a nightstand next to your bed. Leave it standing in an open position as often as you are comfortable with, and spend time each morning and evening visualizing, affirming, believing, and internalizing your goals.

A vision board is a simple yet powerful way to keep you focused and motivated on your way to the future of your dreams.

Miracles that happened in my own life from creating vision boards by Tammy Machmali.jpeg

So what are you waiting for? Start creating one today!

I am offering vision board workshop parties all year long! If you like to do a VISION BOARD PARTY, contact me and I will be there.

In this workshop, I walk you through the process of creating a vision board, with all the tips and tricks to activate and manifest your dream life. If you are interested, contact me!

I hope you enjoyed these tips. I encourage you to give it a try and when you create and share your vision board, PLEASE tag me on instagram @tammymachmali or contact me!

Tammy Machmali