Lending a Hand to Israel: Support in Times of War

Written by Tammy Machmali

Today, I celebrate my Hebrew birthday, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, an occasion that holds deep significance for me. In the eighth month of the Hebrew year, I find myself reflecting on a life journey forged by fear, love, and an unbreakable connection to my homeland—Israel.

Fifty years ago, I was born in Iran, a place shrouded in memories of fear, etched into my psyche from a tender age. The year 1979 marked a turning point, not just for my family, but for a nation on the precipice of profound change. The Iranian revolution and the looming specter of war compelled my parents to make a fateful decision, one that would lead us to the Holy Land, Israel.

Their mission was clear: to safeguard their family from the turbulent storm brewing in Iran, a tempest driven by our Jewish heritage. They left behind homes, possessions, and their very identities to embark on a path of sacrifice and courage.

It is with profound gratitude that I acknowledge that I was spared the horrific sights of the war-torn era in Iran. Yet, life in Israel, though a blessing, was far from a walk in the park. My parents, much like countless others, had to relinquish their old lives and embrace the challenge of a fresh start. Their hearts often ached for all that had been left behind.

My earliest days in an Israeli school, however, were blessed with a profound lesson, one that reverberates within me to this day: "וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ" (V'ahavta l're'acha kamocha) - "Love your neighbor as yourself." It was here that I had my first taste of the incredible spirit of unity that defines Israel.

In Israel, I unearthed majesty, integrity, and a reservoir of strength that knew no bounds. Despite the trials that life posed, there was a unique wellspring of power, creativity, and unwavering determination that flowed through the Israeli way of life. I delved into the depths of spirituality and embraced faith in a higher power. I discovered resilience, a belief in endless possibilities, and a sense of empowerment.

It was in Israel that I grew up, that I forged my identity, and that I found love. Yet, life's path eventually led me and my husband to Los Angeles, a decision driven by the relentless rain of rockets and the deafening crescendo of bombings during the intifada. The ongoing trauma we had endured was exacting a heavy toll on our emotional and psychological well-being.

Yet, in the face of these hardships, we held Israel close to our hearts.

As I pen these words, my heart is heavy with the knowledge of the recent events that have unfurled since October 7, 2023. I can barely fathom the fear, the horrors, and the trauma that the people of Israel are enduring.

In response to this crisis, I've decided to take action. Inspired by the wisdom of Israeli leaders and Jewish quotes, I believe in the power of unity, courage, and resilience. I am not content to be a mere observer; I am committed to being a doer, not just a talker.

I've reached out to therapists, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, and anyone with a heart for healing. Together, we are determined to create a collective force, a group that can extend a healing hand to the people of Israel, to help them find their path to recovery.

This is a time for unity, a time to rise strong, not to succumb to division. I recognize that many of you may be feeling a loss of energy, power, and a spiritual disconnect. But let's not allow these challenges to fracture our bonds. Instead, let's come together and find ways to help Israel, its people, its soldiers, and those who are injured or held hostage.

How can we help Israel during these challenging times?

  1. True Prayer and Healing Energy: Send your prayers and positive energy to Israel. Whether you believe in the power of prayer or healing energy, your intentions can make a significant difference.

  2. Meditation and Visualization: Meditate and visualize peace, strength, and recovery for the people of Israel. Visualize a peaceful and resilient nation, free from conflict and suffering. (You can use the above Silva visualization meditation I created for protection of Israel).

  3. Donations: Every contribution, no matter how small, can have a profound impact. Support organizations that provide aid and assistance to those affected by the conflict.

  4. Raise Awareness: Share information about the situation in Israel with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who are aware, the more support can be generated.

  5. Community Support: Reach out to local organizations and community groups that are working to support Israel. Join hands with like-minded individuals to create a strong support network.


Let us, as a global community, emulate the spirit of unity and resilience that defines Israel. Let us offer our love, support, and prayers to help heal the wounds of a nation that has faced adversity with unwavering strength for generations.

Together, we can make a difference, and together, we can bring hope and healing to Israel in its time of need.

My sincere hope is that you discover meaningful insights within these words, as many others have. If you have any questions or thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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Tammy Machmali