The Power of Affirmations for Artists

Written by Tammy Machmali

Affirmations are important because they help change our internal voice from a negative one to a positive voice that can guide us to find greater happiness, wellness, and productivity in life. It is a life-changing tool that all creatives and artists can use.

What is An affirmation?

An affirmation is any positive statement that is spoken or written with the intent of reinforcing a positive, motivating, or encouraging belief.

I believe affirmations are very powerful. Since I began using affirmations almost daily a few years ago, I noticed a change. All of a sudden I realized people all over the world practice affirmations on a daily basis since these words/statements can be very powerful, and at times life-changing, in terms of improving your mindset -- leading to a happier, more productive life.

What Is The Purpose of Affirmations?

The purpose of affirmations is to replace any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts about yourself with positive thoughts and beliefs.

By repeating affirmations on a consistent basis, you begin to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. When this happens, you’ll notice your mindset and outlook on life will improve. I look at practicing affirmations as a form of self-care because it helps me to take care of my emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Also, after seeing the great benefits, I started teaching my students in my workshops and my family to practice affirmations on a daily basis.

Benefits of Affirmations

So why are affirmations important for artists and creatives?

I found affirmations very beneficial many years ago after a period of time when I noticed repeating patterns because of my old negative implicit beliefs. When I faced roadblocks and days of anxiety, I was afraid and I didn’t know how to work through these feelings. As an artist, mother, and teacher I wanted to learn how to deal with these moments of despair that are often followed with negative thought patterns about myself and others, which can lead to artist blocks and/or impostor syndrome.

There were times when I experienced anxiety and worry and I couldn’t find a way out of those negative feelings. Practicing affirmations on a daily basis helped me to reprogram my mindset and have strong positive beliefs about myself. Today, when I start feeling the wave of anxiety and negative thoughts entering my mind, I know how to deal with them and of course they are not as common as they were in the past. Still, on days that feel emotionally difficult, I repeat my affirmations a few times until I feel better.

I began saying affirmations after listening to Lisa Nichols talk about how they changed her life. I began practicing them every day for a year by writing down affirmations that were the opposite of my negative mindset; by reading them back to myself, I was able to reinforce a positive, healthy mindset.

Think of affirmations as daily mental workouts. They are like building a mental muscle that gets stronger and firmer every day if you work on it for a few minutes every day. As you keep repeating them, the old implicit beliefs that are weakening and hindering your life will be replaced by a stronger, more powerful mindset that will elevate and empower you to get better and stronger every day.
I encourage artists and creatives to say affirmations because they are powerful by the way they help to reinforce a positive, healthy mindset.


10 Benefits of Affirmations for Artists and Creatives:

  1.  Let go of negative thoughts

  2. Help create a positive, healthy mindset

  3. Improve your self-esteem and self-worth

  4. Elevate when creatives are going through mental blocks 

  5. Motivate you to create and produce artwork

  6. Inspire you to create new artwork

  7. Uplift you when you are not feeling your best in your artistic, creative journey

  8. Help you to want to do better and be more productive

  9. Encourage you to remain strong and positive during burnouts

  10. Motivate you when feeling impostor syndrome creeping in to continue creating and succeeding

How do affirmations work?

Repeat them out loud every day.

  1. Chant them in the shower, while walking, or during meditation.

  2. Write them down – I put them everywhere, on my mirror, desk, computer etc. I enjoy writing different affirmations in my planner or on post-its around my house or office.

  3. You can also use affirmations apps.

Practice, practice, and practice more positive affirmations daily! Try to establish a routine to do this when you first wake up in the morning and/or before you go to sleep at night; starting and ending your day on a positive note is magical for your confidence and self-worth. These are the best times of the day to manifest whatever you want, which I learned from Jack Canfield. He also recommends writing your affirmations as mantras or “I am” statements. Still, you can practice any time of the day until you establish your own routine.

This is just like anything else you might want to get better at, whether it be a craft or artistic skill such as painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery, music, writing, or photography. The same principles apply; by repeating your affirmations every day you will be rewarded with reprogramming your mindset, making you feel happy and productive. Here are  some examples of affirmations I find very helpful.


Do you have a favorite affirmation?

Sending you all the love and light on your healing journey!

If you're curious to dive deeper into these strategies or share your thoughts, reach out to me contact. Let's make 2024 a year of unconditional love, courage and success, advancing toward your vision and goals one action at a time.

I'd love to help you get started: To assist you on this journey, I've prepared a Free workbook on 26 Ways to Release Mental & Emotional Baggage In Less Than 5 Minutes A day.

Wishing you a day filled with small steps towards a healthier, happier you!

My sincere hope is that you discover meaningful insights within these words, as many others have. If you have any questions or thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Stay connected for more content and updates by following me on Instagram @tammymachmali

Tammy Machmali