What is a God Box and Why You Need One

Written by Tammy Machmali

For years, my God Box has been a sanctuary where I can authentically express myself and feel safe. In this sacred space, I am free from control and interference, allowing me to be vulnerable and remove all masks and barriers. It has become my secret problem-solver, a place where I learn to cope with challenges and stressful situations beyond my comprehension.

As time went on, my God Box evolved to hold prayers for others who needed help, even those outside my family who might not be aware of it. It became a channel for compassionate intentions and a way to support others through Divine guidance.

Now, I encourage my daughters to place their challenges, questions, and problems in the God Box. I hope to instill in them the trust to listen to their own inner voices, guided by a higher power.

My first God Box was a simple, empty box I found at home. I wrote my worries, anxieties, and concerns on any available paper, always starting each note with "Dear God, please help me..." I folded up the paper and placed it inside the box.

Over time, I started adding dates to my notes. As I revisited them, I realized that many of my concerns had already been resolved, and I believe that God took over in those situations.

Letting go of these overwhelming worries has been liberating. It has freed me from repetitive cycles that once drove me crazy. Now, I turn everything over to God, finding peace in knowing that there is a higher power guiding me through life's challenges.

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What is a God Box?

A God Box is a powerful tool for releasing your dreams, problems, desires, and difficult decisions to a higher power. It can be any physical box where you write notes containing your thoughts and concerns, effectively surrendering them to God. Personally, I find it helpful to include the date and conclude each note with the statement, "Thy will be done!" or "בעזרת השם נעשה ונצליח” (With the help of God, we will do and succeed).

However, it is essential to remember that having a God Box does not mean you should stop taking action or become passive. While it's valuable to pause and journal your worries, problems, and questions in the God Box, it is equally important to remain proactive and take mindful actions towards your goals and problem-solving. The God Box serves as a support system, allowing you to release your burdens and find strength, while your actions and efforts contribute to positive outcomes in your life. It is a powerful combination of faith and action that can lead to transformative results.

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess. — Martin Luther

Do you need to be religious and believe in God to have a God Box?

Absolutely, you don't need to adhere to any particular religious beliefs or have faith in a specific deity for the God Box to be effective. The beauty of the God Box is that it can be adapted to anyone's individual spiritual or non-spiritual perspective. If you don't resonate with the term "God," you can refer to a Higher Power, Universal Energy, or a force greater than yourself that guides your actions and decisions.

In essence, the God Box serves as a wonderful tool that harmonizes spiritual practice with self-help techniques. It allows you to tap into a sense of connection with the Great Intelligence, the universal wisdom that orchestrates all things. By surrendering your concerns and desires to this higher force, you create a sense of release and trust, freeing yourself from the need to control everything on your own. This balanced approach empowers you to find solace and strength while maintaining a sense of personal agency and responsibility for taking action in your life. Whether you hold strong spiritual beliefs or not, the God Box can be a valuable ally in your journey towards peace, clarity, and transformation.

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Benefits of a God Box

The God Box offers several remarkable benefits that can significantly enhance your mental and emotional well-being:

  1. Letting Go of Concerns: Writing down your worries and concerns on paper and placing them into the God Box allows you to admit and release them. By physically journaling your thoughts, you signal to your mind that it's okay to free yourself from constantly revisiting and dwelling on these issues.

  2. Quieting the Mind: The act of journaling and turning over your concerns to a Higher Power helps quiet the incessant chatter of the mind. It provides a sense of relief and peace, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life.

  3. Surrendering to a Higher Power: Acknowledging that some problems are beyond your immediate control and trusting in a Higher Power to take care of them in the right time and manner brings a sense of surrender and acceptance. This fosters a belief that things will work out as they are meant to.

  4. Breaking Repetitive Patterns: Often, we approach problems and concerns in a similar way, resulting in similar outcomes. The God Box interrupts this cycle by encouraging you to let go and seek guidance beyond your limited perspective, potentially leading to new solutions and breakthroughs.

  5. Reducing Mental Stress: Repeatedly dwelling on unresolved issues can cause mental stress and overwhelm. The God Box offers a practical way to unload this burden, freeing up mental space for more productive and positive thinking.

  6. Challenging the Ego: The stories our ego tells us about who we are and how to handle situations can hold us back. Trusting in a Higher Power challenges these limiting beliefs and empowers us to question and transcend the ego's negative narratives.

Overall, the God Box can be a transformative tool, helping you develop a greater sense of trust, peace, and resilience in the face of life's challenges. It aligns spiritual practice with practical self-awareness, guiding you towards a more balanced and fulfilling way of living.

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How to use a God Box

Using a God Box is a simple yet powerful practice that can bring immense relief and clarity to your life. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a God Box effectively:

  1. Find a Suitable Box: Choose any physical box that feels special to you. It could be a decorative container or a simple shoebox. The important thing is that it holds significance for you and symbolizes a sacred space.

  2. Create a Sacred Atmosphere: Set aside a quiet and peaceful space where you can sit comfortably with your God Box. This will help you create a sense of connection and focus during the process.

  3. Begin with "Dear God": As you write down your concerns on a piece of paper, start with the phrase "Dear God." If you don't identify with the term "God," feel free to use any other term that resonates with you, such as "Higher Power" or "Divine Presence."

  4. Express Your Worries: Journal your worries, anxieties, problems, and uncertainties. Be completely honest and open as you write down whatever is occupying your mind and heart. This is your safe space to express yourself without judgment.

  5. you may Add "Thy Will Be Done": After writing down your concerns, conclude each note with the statement "THY WILL BE DONE." This phrase symbolizes surrendering your worries to a Higher Power and trusting that things will unfold as they are meant to.

  6. Let Go and Place it in the Box: Once you have written your notes, fold them and gently place them inside the God Box. As you do this, feel a sense of release and relief, knowing that you have transferred these burdens to a higher source of guidance.

  7. Trust the Process: Avoid the temptation to constantly revisit or doubt the contents of the box. Instead, trust that you have let go of these concerns, and they are now in the care of a higher wisdom.

  8. Take Mindful Action: While the God Box helps you release worries, it's essential to take mindful actions toward your goals and problem-solving. Use the clarity gained from the process to make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

  9. Reflect and Celebrate: Periodically, you may want to review the contents of your God Box. You may notice that some concerns have resolved themselves or no longer hold the same weight they once did. Celebrate the progress you've made in letting go and trusting the process.

Remember, the God Box is a supportive tool that complements your actions and decision-making. It offers a space of surrender, allowing you to connect with a higher wisdom and find peace amidst life's challenges.

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Where do I get a God Box?

Discover the magic of a God Box with your own personal touch! Start by finding an empty box, any box will do, and feel free to decorate it in a way that resonates with you. It's incredible to witness how your connection with a Higher Power can graciously answer your prayers and fulfill the desires of your heart over time! ❤️

If you'd like to share your experience or explore the option of getting a specially designed God Box, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me, and together, let's embrace the journey of trust and surrender.

Please contact me and let me know if you made your own box or if you are interested in buying one of my God Boxes. Check it out.

xo, Tammy

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I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and you got encouraged to give your best and get a God Box. When you make & share your art, PLEASE tag me on instagram @tammymachmali

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Tammy Machmali