Benefits of Loving Yourself to create long-term lasting change

Written by Tammy Machmali

Do you long to experience lightness and the freedom to be your best self? Are you feeling like there's untapped potential within you, waiting to be unleashed? If you're seeking serenity, motivation, and the ability to pursue your dreams, I have great news for you – it's all possible through the transformative power of self-love.

In my own journey, I discovered that loving myself was the key to unlocking profound and lasting change in my life. Now, I'm thrilled to share my experience and guide you on your path towards what can only be described as a miraculous transformation.

Loving yourself goes beyond mere words of affirmation; it's a process that leads to self-awareness, compassion, and inner harmony. As Jeffrey Borenstein, President of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, explains, self-love is an appreciation of oneself that stems from actions supporting our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. It involves holding our well-being and happiness in high regard, ensuring we meet our own needs without sacrificing our self-worth to please others.

Let's dive deeper into the benefits of loving yourself and how it can create meaningful, long-term change in your life:

The Benefits of Loving Yourself

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness: When you love yourself, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your values, and your desires. This self-awareness empowers you to make decisions aligned with your authentic self, leading to a more fulfilling life.

  2. Increased Self-Confidence: Self-love nurtures self-confidence, allowing you to embrace your strengths and accept your imperfections. With a newfound sense of self-assurance, you'll have the courage to pursue your dreams and overcome challenges with resilience.

  3. Better Mental and Emotional Well-Being: Self-love encourages self-care and self-compassion, which are vital for mental and emotional well-being. By prioritizing your needs and nurturing yourself, you build emotional resilience and improve your overall mental health.

  4. Healthy Boundaries: Loving yourself helps establish healthy boundaries in your relationships. You become more aware of what you're willing to accept and what you need to protect your well-being, leading to more balanced and fulfilling connections with others.

  5. Motivation to Grow and Thrive: When you love yourself, you develop an inner drive to grow and thrive. You're more likely to set meaningful goals, take positive risks, and embrace opportunities for personal development.

  6. Resilience in Adversity: Self-love strengthens your resilience, helping you navigate life's challenges with grace and self-compassion. Instead of being overwhelmed by setbacks, you view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

  7. Attracting Positive Relationships: By cultivating self-love, you radiate positivity and attract people who appreciate and respect you for who you are. This leads to healthier, more supportive relationships that contribute to your well-being.

How to Love Yourself

Make your self-care a priory 

Self care means different things to each one of us. Figure out what it means to you, whether that’s spending time with yourself and eating alone, taking a bath, reading a book or meditating. Just do it!  If possible, start your day with self care first. This way you will have a time alone where you can do things that you love and set the rest of your day up for success and lose the risk of distracting yourself from taking this step later on.

If you fill your own cup first it is more likely that you will be able to feel full when you get to deal with life’s challenges and people, places and things. I highly recommend praying, meditating, journaling and exercising, even if it is taking a short walk - these are some of the actions that have changed my life. There is something about the repetitive nature of these actions that make you feel like a superstar. I have been doing them on a daily basis for the last 13 years and, let me tell you, I have already witnessed miracles.

Be compassionate to yourself

Learn to be kind, mindful and present to your needs and wants. Prioritize taking a pause throughout the day to assess your emotions and needs in order to make sure that you are not overworking or over doing too much. Focus on accepting your shortcomings and understanding that we all need time to adjust and learn. Be your best friend, learn to accept your defaults instead of judging or criticizing yourself when you don’t know something, give yourself a hug (I kiss my shoulder and tell myself that I love me) and move on knowing that next time you will do better. 

Learn to set healthy boundaries 

Saying no and knowing your own values are all loving actions. It saves you time and mental energy when you love yourself and you know what you want to do or not to do so you don’t get into situations, places and conversations that are not for you. By having healthy boundaries you will be able to communicate your needs and say no or yes whenever it is appropriate for YOU because you will know your bottom line. This way it will be easier to communicate and develop deeper friendships with others. Believe me, you will be respected by others more when you set good boundaries. 

I appreciate how you show up as a healer as an intuitive and as a knower.
And as someone who cares so much for so many people. I have deep gratitude for you coming into my life and helping me birth the new 2.0 version of myself.
Thank you from my heart and soul for your compassionate way of leading me back into healing, health and well-being. I feel like I’m more intentional about my life. My mind is more clear and at peace. Thank you for the long hours that you put into your work with me with passion and compassion. Your generosity shows through your work with tremendous light.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Remember that you are one of a kind. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL. God created only one you and you have your own talents and abilities so compare yourself only to YOU. Focus on your strength and everyday do a little better than the day before. Comparing yourself to others is like comparing apples to oranges. If you think about it, we often compare our inside to someone else's outside. And in today’s life with social media, ring lights, makeup and editing the line between what is real and not is hard to find…

The bottom line, focus on your goals and what you want for YOU …. And do more of that. Trust that more will be revealed to you when you are being loving and authentic and doing what is right for you.

Learn from your mistakes

Each time ask yourself, what was the message? What was the lesson? Evaluate that learning so you become wiser and know how to deal with the situations, people, places and things from a place of understanding in the future. We are all in the school of life, each of us is here to learn a lesson so each situation presents us with opportunities to grow and evolve, take it and make the best out of it. Be your own hero. YOUR OWN WINNER. 

Forgive yourself

Learn to be gentle whenever you make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Knowing that mistakes are part of life and this is the way we learn. The faster you forgive yourself the better you will be able to feel and take actions. Learn to let go of the past, people, places and things that happened to you in the past. I know it is easier said than done yet, I allow myself to say it because I did it. Let go of the trauma, past abuse, and all the injustice that you went through so you can finally start a new chapter. The old chapter is no longer here, yet it is not letting you start anything new. Old baggage is emotional and mental baggage that piles like dirt on top of dirt which fogs your vision from seeing a new clean future. If you want to learn how to do it you can contact me and find out more information about MER® which stands for Mental and Emotional Release® and is a clinically researched approach to help release stress, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions, reduce the charge and intensity of your past emotional baggage and other unwanted feelings

Also, Here is a forgiveness meditation that I created for you to release mental and emotional baggage hope you will enjoy it.

Watch out for your self talk

What you say to yourself when you are alone determines how much you love yourself and your attitude toward yourself. So learn to monitor your self-talk and train yourself to say only positive empowering words of affirmations about yourself until it becomes like a second nature.

In 2018 I stopped talking in a negative way. I started watching my words, thoughts and it changed my life. I highly recommend taking on that change in addition to guided affirmation meditations when you wake up and before you go to sleep. I also love the book What to Say When You Talk to Your Self by Shad Helmstetter Ph.D 

Be grateful for who you are

Keep a journal of gratitude and everyday make sure that you write at least 10 things that you are grateful for about yourself. This practice will empower you to see all the great things that you accomplish and achieve throughout the day and after a while you will feel the love that you have for you. Often we write gratitude about everything that we have and happen to us yet we may forget our own magic.

Here is a gratitude Meditation that I created to make you feel better and better no matter where you are today. Hope you enjoy it.

Please keep moving forward one day at a time taking little steps towards loving yourself, shining and growing towards the super star that God intended you to be. I can’t tell you in many words how this process changed my life, I can only show you how it is done. If you are feeling stuck and you are seriously ready to let go of all your baggage and limiting beliefs so you can start fresh? If you want to live with a spark for life, to better your relationships, career, and live healthy let me know.Are you ready to let them go and start fresh elevate your life, relationships and career, health ventures to the highest level of performance?

 I would love to guide you through the healing process through MER® and hypnotherapy to develop new habits that will maximize your potential and move you forward to start living your life to the fullest as I did. For more details please Contact me.

Thank You Reading This Blog And If You Like To Learn More Please

contact me or follow me on Instagram @Tammymachmali

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