How to Clear Your Mental and Emotional Baggage and Heal Yourself?

Written by Tammy Machmali

Are you longing for a more peaceful state of mind? Do you want to let go and release your emotional baggage and experience a sense of lightness and freedom? Imagine living your life on your terms, free from the triggers of past stories, people, places, and situations. If you feel like you're not reaching your fullest potential and seek serenity, motivation, and the ability to be your best self, I invite you on a transformative journey. My name is Tammy Machmali, and I'm excited to share my personal story of healing and offer you the opportunity to experience the incredible benefits that await you.

Well, it is possible and you can! It happened to me. I am so excited to tell you how I did it and how I can help you feel what I describe as nothing short of a miracle. 

Unlock the Healing Power Within: Through the powerful process known as Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®), I have experienced a profound transformation in my own life. I'm not a genius or a wizard, just an ordinary person who sought answers and found creative solutions. My quest for healing led me to MER®, a groundbreaking technique that helped me release emotional and mental baggage from my past. Along the way, I discovered that my life was impacted by experiences spanning generations and even lifetimes.

Embrace Your Authentic Self: For years, I carried a sense of not belonging and felt that something was amiss within me. Born in Iran, Tehran, to parents who endured tremendous trauma, I could feel the weight of their unexplored emotions. I witnessed their struggles, the moments of joy and love they missed out on. These experiences left me feeling as though I carried the baggage of previous generations, even lifetimes ago. It was a baffling journey, filled with dreams and experiences that seemed both real and unfamiliar.

A Journey of Discovery: Like many others, I sought balance in my roles as a mother, artist, and teacher. Despite endless courses and self-help books, I felt restless and stuck. I yearned to understand my own mind and find the right path forward. That's when I discovered MER®. Intrigued by its innovative approach, I became a certified master practitioner and now, I'm eager to share its profound healing powers with you.

Witness Miraculous Transformations: In recent months, I have guided friends, clients, and family members through MER®, helping them heal from PTSD, depression, trauma, and old wounds. The process empowers them to identify and release limiting beliefs, develop new mindfulness habits, and move forward to live the life they've always desired.

You are probably asking yourself what MER® is. I would love to talk to you directly and bring to life the amazing healing powers of this work…but below is a snapshot of how it works. 

Here is a forgiveness meditation that I added for you to help you to release any old mental and emotional baggage that is no longer serving you. Hope you will enjoy it.

I appreciate how you show up as a healer as an intuitive and as a knower.
And as someone who cares so much for so many people. I have deep gratitude for you coming into my life and helping me birth the new 2.0 version of myself.
Thank you from my heart and soul for your compassionate way of leading me back into healing, health and well-being. I feel like I’m more intentional about my life. My mind is more clear and at peace. Thank you for the long hours that you put into your work with me with passion and compassion. Your generosity shows through your work with tremendous light.

What is MER?

Mental and Emotional Release® is a clinically researched approach designed to release stress, anxiety, fear, and other negative emotions. It reduces the charge and intensity of past emotional baggage, allowing you to overcome procrastination, depression, and phobias. By understanding the root causes of your emotions and making breakthrough realizations, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and embark on a purposeful life.

A breakthrough is when you make a realization about yourself. It can be discovering what the root of your fears, anger, sadness, hurt, limiting beliefs, addiction or physical pain is and what kind of changes you need to make in your life. By gaining this awareness through your breakthrough, you’ll have a better understanding of who you are and be more aware of going forward toward living a purposeful life.

A breakthrough plan is originally created, including a variety of techniques that will help you focus on one of 5 areas of life (Relationships, career, family, self development, Health, spirituality) that you would like to improve on in order to live fully. You will also be given actions and outside resources to utilize, giving you the greatest chance of experiencing your next best chance to enjoy and live as you always wished you could with great relationships, career, and health.
As a client, your breakthrough will take between 6-10 hours.

The result is a collection of techniques which produces long-lasting transformation very quickly-faster than what is currently called Brief Therapy. These powerful MER techniques are becoming the method of choice to make fast, effective, long-term changes in behavior.
— Empowerment, Inc

Benefits of MER®

Through the MER® process, you can finally let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs that have weighed you down for far too long. Uncover the cause of self-destructive patterns and discover new values aligned with your future goals. Develop SMART goals and action plans that will propel you towards living a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Another part of the benefits of the breakthrough can be the understanding the cause of all the self-destructive patterns like substance abuse or getting involved with people who are not aligned with your goals and purpose. Other examples of breakthroughs in Mental and Emotional Release®  

Take the First Step: Are you ready to shed your baggage and embark on a life-changing journey of healing and transformation? If you are seeking a fresh start, renewed energy, and the ability to unlock your full potential, I invite you to contact me. Together, we will utilize the power of MER® and hypnotherapy to develop new habits that will maximize your potential and lead you towards a life of fulfillment.

 I am here to support you on your healing journey through the powerful combination of MER® and hypnotherapy. Together, we will release old emotional and mental baggage and develop new habits that will unlock your full potential and propel you towards a life lived to the fullest. If you're ready to take this transformative step, I invite you to reach out to me for more details. Let's embark on this incredible journey of personal growth and healing together. Contact me today to get started .

Thank You Reading This Blog And If You Like To Learn More Please

contact me or follow me on Instagram @Tammymachmali

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