The Liberating Power of Releasing Stuck Energy for a Fulfilling Life

Written by Tammy Machmali

Mabel Katz, in her book "The Easiest Way," emphasizes that the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono , a problem-solving technique, reminds us that our existence in this world is an opportunity for "תיקון" corrections, and that our presence is a precious gift. We need not see ourselves as sinners or harbor guilt, as long as we embrace responsibility and seek forgiveness.

Throughout our life journey, we accumulate various forms of stagnant energy—unresolved past experiences, hidden secrets, emotional baggage, traumas, and negative feelings. These energetic blockages can hinder, slow us down, and prevent us from making progress or reaching our full potential. In this blog, we delve into the importance of letting go of this stagnant energy. We'll explore how to do it, find out who can help, discuss the time it takes, and understand why this process is crucial for our overall well-being.

The Impact of Lingering Energy: 

Unresolved issues from our past and unhealed traumas can exert a powerful influence over our present lives. They create negative thinking patterns, constrict our beliefs, and hinder us from embracing authentic fulfillment. This stagnant energy may materialize as fear, anger, guilt, shame, or resentment, effectively restraining us from living in alignment with our soul's purpose. By carrying this emotional baggage, we inadvertently relinquish our role as creators of our destiny and instead become unwitting subjects of our personal history.

The Liberating Power of Releasing Stuck Energy for a Fulfilling Life— blog by Tammy Machmali

The Healing Journey:

  1. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Begin by taking time to reflect on areas of your life where you feel stuck or held back. Identify unresolved issues, painful memories, or unexpressed emotions. This process of self-awareness is crucial for understanding the root causes of the stuck energy and the areas that require healing.

  2. Forgiveness and Letting Go: One powerful step towards releasing stuck energy is forgiveness—both towards others and oneself. Understand that forgiveness is not condoning or forgetting; it is a conscious choice to free yourself from the emotional burden associated with the past. Practice forgiveness rituals, write letters (even if you don't send them), or seek guidance from therapists or spiritual practitioners experienced in forgiveness work. Below you can find a forgiveness meditation that I provided for free.

  3. Healing Modalities: There are numerous healing modalities available to support the release of stuck energy. These include MER hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, energy healing (such as Reiki or acupuncture), somatic therapy, mindfulness practices, breathwork, meditation, and journaling. Explore these options and find what resonates with you. Each modality offers unique techniques to help you process and release emotional blocks.

  4. Seeking Support: Healing is not always a solitary journey. Reach out to professionals, such as therapists, life coaches, or energy healers, who can provide guidance, support, and tools tailored to your specific needs. They can help you navigate through the healing process and offer valuable insights and perspectives.

Forgiveness Meditation to let go of Mental and Emotional Baggage

Timing and Patience:

The duration of the healing process varies from person to person. Letting go of deeply rooted stuck energy requires time, patience, and self-compassion. Healing is not a linear path but a gradual unfolding. Be gentle with yourself and trust the timing of your journey. Celebrate the small victories and acknowledge the progress you make along the way.

The Importance of releasing stuck energy:

  1. Living Authentically: Releasing stuck energy allows you to live more authentically, aligned with your true self. You no longer need to carry the weight of the past, and you can embrace the present with greater clarity and purpose.

  2. Connection with your intuition : Letting go of stuck energy enables you to connect with the wisdom of your intuition. By shedding the layers of pain and negativity, you create space for your intuition to guide you towards your life's purpose and lessons.

  3. Self-Development and Creativity: Releasing stuck energy liberates your creative potential and enhances your self-development journey. As you heal and integrate your experiences, you become more capable of expressing your creativity, manifesting dreams, and experiencing success and abundance.

Who can help?

It's important to note that while professional assistance can speed up the healing process, personal commitment and dedication to self-work remain essential. Healing is an individual journey, and the client must actively engage in their own healing process both during and between sessions with a hypnotherapist or Master Practitioner of MER.

  1. Mental and Emotional Release (MER®): MER® is a powerful therapeutic technique that combines elements of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and TimeLine Therapy® to facilitate the release of negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and unresolved trauma. Master Practitioners of MER® are trained in specific protocols to guide clients through a structured process of identifying and clearing emotional blocks. They help clients access the root cause of their stuck energy, release associated emotions, and replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. The MER process allows for rapid and lasting transformation by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the energy blocks. Working with a professional hypnotherapist or Master Practitioner of MER® can provide valuable support and accelerate the release of stuck energy. Their specialized techniques, customized approach, and expert guidance can help individuals access deeper levels of healing, allowing them to experience transformation more rapidly. By combining their skills with your personal commitment to self-discovery and growth, you can unlock the potential for profound healing and create a life aligned with your true purpose.

  2. A skilled hypnotherapist can guide clients into a deep state of relaxation, where they can access and reprogram subconscious patterns and beliefs that contribute to the stuck energy. Through techniques such as regression therapy, the hypnotherapist can help the client revisit past experiences, release unresolved emotions, and gain new perspectives and insights, leading to profound transformation and accelerated healing.

  3. Customized Approach: Both hypnotherapy and MER® offer flexible approaches that can be tailored to each client's unique needs and goals. Skilled professionals will adapt their techniques to the individual's specific challenges and preferences. They create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel comfortable exploring their emotions, releasing old baggage, and developing strategies for long-term healing and growth. They act as compassionate allies, helping clients navigate the sometimes challenging process of letting go. These professionals offer expert insights, perspective shifts, and coping strategies to overcome obstacles and sustain progress. Their expertise and experience can accelerate the healing process and ensure that clients receive personalized attention and care.

Letting go of stagnant energy is a profound and transformative journey that liberates us from the confines of our past. Through self-reflection, forgiveness, healing practices, and seeking support, we can shed emotional baggage and unlock a life brimming with authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment. Remember, healing is a gradual process with immeasurable rewards. Give yourself the chance to release and witness an extraordinary voyage of self-discovery and empowerment.

In the end, letting go of stuck energy has a big impact on making us feel better and bringing good changes. When we let go of emotional and mental baggage, we start living authentically, aligning with our true selves and finding our purpose. It might take time and effort, but the wonderful results are truly amazing. So, take a brave step and start a journey to learn about yourself, heal, and grow. Your path from being stuck to feeling great begins right now.

Guided Meditation Prayer to release emotional and mental baggage by Tammy Machmali

I can’t tell you in many words how this process changed my life, I can only show you how it is done. If you are feeling stuck and you are seriously ready to let go of all your baggage and limiting beliefs so you can start fresh? If you want to live with a spark for life, to better your relationships, career, and live healthy let me know.Are you ready to let them go and start fresh elevate your life, relationships and career, health ventures to the highest level of performance?

I am here to support you on your healing journey through the powerful combination of MER® and hypnotherapy. Together, we will release old emotional and mental baggage and develop new habits that will unlock your full potential and propel you towards a life lived to the fullest. If you're ready to take this transformative step, I invite you to reach out to me for more details. Let's embark on this incredible journey of personal growth and healing together. Contact me today to get started .

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